Currently styrofoam food containers of materials is increasingly being used. But the doctor has a message not to put hot food directly into this container.
This message was delivered by specialist cancer of Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Bekasi Dr. Wim Panggarbesi, Spb (K) Onk. To detikHealth, Dr. Wim explains that the habit of eating hot food from containers made of styrofoam can trigger cancer.
"Styrofoam was right when heated to decompose the chemical, if we eat from there ya are ingested and can damage genes. The gene is damaged it which can later become cancerous," said Dr. Wim.
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Not only breast cancer as many informed, according to Dr. Wim This habit can trigger the risk of all types of cancer. But specifically, it is said that the most risky emerging is a blood cancer.
"For the most easily damaged that's the part that rapidly divide such as the bone marrow. The earliest it," he added.
Therefore, Dr. Wim recommend that you should not use styrofoam materials as hot food containers. Containers of this type should be used for foods with a neutral or cold temperatures alone.
On the website of the Consumer Complaints Service Unit BPOM, there is an explanation, that for packaging made of polystyrene foam or styrofoam circulating in Indonesia, has been tested by BPOM and show the results of all qualified.
In 2009, the Head of BPOM stating the test results of 17 styrofoam packaging products such as cups, bowls, rectangular box, lunch box, and plates, made of styrofoam, including product packaging instant noodles, proven safe to use as food packaging.
"Based on these data, the food was packed with packing polystyrene foam safe for consumption, with the following requirements: not used to package directly (to be given plastic sheets or rice paper). Not used to facilitate food with oil content is high and in hot conditions, "so the explanation ULPK BPOM.
BPOM also cautioned against the use of styrofoam packaging in the microwave. In addition, people are also advised not to use styrofoam packaging is damaged or deformed.
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