Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to Make a Lemon Herb and Garlic Herbs Overcome Disorders Cardiovascular Disease

How to Make a Lemon Herb and Garlic, Herbs Overcome Disorders Cardiovascular Disease Clogged
Lemon and garlic can be found easily in the kitchen. When using this combination usually only to flavor fish or as a mixture in a homemade dressing.
But apparently both natural ingredients that have a strong treatment effect is that lemon and garlic can significantly improve arterial function, heart blockage by cleaning naturally.
This is very important because many modern men and women who suffer from bad cholesterol. When the cholesterol level is above normal, can accumulate in the walls of arteries.
Furthermore, the decreased blood flow which means that the possible risk of having a stroke or heart attack is significantly higher rise.
Although there are pharmaceutical drugs that can help you manage your cholesterol, certain changes in your diet and your daily menu (such as the consumption of more lemon and garlic) can bring the same positive effect. And of course, this combination does not come with side effects.
Cleaning heart artery blockage Using Garlic and Lemon.
prescription medication 1
One cup of raw garlic juiceOne cup of raw lemon juiceOne cup of raw ginger juiceOne cup of apple cider vinegar
making instructions:
Mix all the ingredients well. Afterwards, boil the mixture for about 30 minutes. After that allow the mixture to cool and add three cups of pure organic honey.Pour the mixture into a glass / jar and store in refrigerator.Take one tablespoon of this incredible mix in the morning before you eat anything.

More than that you can use as an additional health products to boost health by using kalung kesehatan - Healthy necklace

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